I have always enjoyed immersing myself in new projects. With website development, I can do this with pleasure for every project. With a focus on minimalist chic design and technologies, good performance, and privacy.
From computer science student. To journalist. To web developer.

I was the student who was always told that I would "do something with computers" in the future. Nevertheless, I worked as a journalist for ten years. As an editor for software and as managing editor at the German digital magazine t3n. After that, I worked as an editor in the editorial SEO and subscription team at one of the biggest German weekly newspapers Zeit Online.
When I'm not riding my gravel bike through the so-called “Weserbergland” or testing a new type of coffee at the small coffee bar in my kitchen, I'm working full-time on web projects. Back to my tech roots, I love starting new projects and always have a variety of industries, technologies, and working methods. I also really enjoy working with customers who value open communication.